Swimming at Southwell Leisure Centre

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Why water sports will do wonders for your kids.

Find out why.

Studies show that children who swim frequently develop more quickly cognitively, physically and socially than those who do not. Not only is swimming a potentially life-saving skill, but it is integral to many outdoor water-based activities. Encouraging kids to enjoy the great outdoors is particularly important, not least because of the many health benefits they offer and the many different hobbies that children can pursue.

Snorkelling and scuba diving

For young swimmers who are keen to explore the water, snorkelling is a fantastic water-based activity. Not only does it require minimal equipment or training, but snorkelling is good for our physical well-being. It can be enjoyed by the whole family and is a source of instant fun with no risk. It also helps youngsters feel at ease in the sea, whilst also exposing them to some of the natural beauty that lives in the sea. As children grow in confidence, they can then make the transition to scuba diving. This is suitable for older and experienced swimmers, and, because of the greater physical demands, instructors will assess each individual’s diving ability before allowing them to participate fully. For newbie scuba divers, a mind-blowing world awaits.

Develop important skills from sailing

Rather than submerging themselves in the water, some children may prefer the thought of being on top of it in a sailing boat. Another water-based activity that can be enjoyed as a family, sailing can boost children’s confidence. This is thanks to the unpredictable nature of sailing and the need to communicate clearly with others on board when it comes to steering and looking after the boat. Meanwhile, the skills that emerge from sailing - decision-making, discipline, and perseverance - can be transferred to the classroom and beyond, making it an extremely worthwhile hobby for children to pursue.

Try stand up paddleboarding

One of the fastest growing watersports of the past few years is stand up paddleboarding (SUP). Essentially, this involves standing on a surfboard and steering yourself with a long paddle. One key advantage of the sport is that it can be done in shallow waters. Moreover, you can take it at whatever pace you like. This makes it an ideal sport for youngsters, who can enjoy it as part of a family activity as well as on their own. Paddleboarding helps children to develop good balance and endurance, and, like sailing, is for good for building confidence.

Encourage your child to make a splash

With children these days spending more and more time indoors and on screens, encouraging them to be active is more important than ever. The great outdoors have many huge benefits to a child’s emotional and physical wellbeing, so giving children opportunities to play outside is invaluable. Given the cognitive, physical and social benefits of swimming from a young age, parents should encourage children as much as possible to try out water-based activities. They can be fun,